Nine Tips For Buying Jewelry as a Gift

As the holidays come quickly, men are facing the challenge of getting for the jewelry loving lady in their lives.…

Karen Miller

Skin Care Routine

Today we are going to talk about skin care. It just so happens that I ran out of quite a…


Why wear gold eye contact lenses?

Innovation is the result of our curiosity to try something new and unique. Every time we get something new, we…


Why Trust Amla for Healthy and Shiny Hair

Amla is one such wonder fruit that has found its way to promote healthy and shiny hair for over years.…


4 Lifestyle Trends That Are Gaining Popularity among the Society

As years go by, many new trends come in and go and mostly a majority of youngsters are responsible for…


Braided Hairstyle- One Guide to Read Before You Try It

Even if winter is far away, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t think about trying a new hairstyle for the cold…


What to Know Before Considering Lip Fillers

You know all the tips and tricks for healthy, stylish hair. Your makeup is on point. And your wardrobe is…


3 Benefits of a Brow Lift

Everyone wants to find new ways to make themselves look younger. While you could try to prevent or reduce the…


5 Most Common Self-Tanning Mistakes

Imagine that you bought a self-tanner that you've been dying to use. You kept hearing about it on television. Even…

Angela Hammond

Why You Must Take Training Courses before Carrying Out Mesotherapy

Mesotherapy—a common practice that involves the injection of certain medications, specific vitamins, as well as skin treatments into the skin’s…
